Monday 5 November 2012

I'm a terrible blogger, yes i know. And I keep telling myself that it will change. Maybe one day.

There are a couple of things that have changed my life this year. Firstly, I quit my full time job as an assistant retail manager and bought myself a Nintendo 3DS as an award.

Secondly, I decided to leave my ever so thrilling career in retail to pursue  another dream. That dream being the stage! I enrolled in a performing arts course. And now 6 months into it, I have no regrets.

And somewhere in between quitting my job and starting school I met a boy. And yeah he's cute.

Here's a photo dump. Courtesy of the 3DS. 

Friday 30 December 2011

Ahh Holidays!

At the top of a Volcano

I'm currently sitting in my Uncle's restaurant in Albion in Mauritius.

Mauritius is an interesting place. I can certainly say that I'm enjoying my time here. I've been to the beach more times in two weeks than I have in the entire year. I'd usually say that I am not a huge fan of the beach. I don't live near one, I don't like sand and I don't like the ocean. However, the beach here is kinda magical. The water is incredibly calm and crystal clear. This takes away my fear of running into any sea creatures while in the water. Simply because the water is clear enough to see where I am walking/swimming. Its much different to any beach you find in Australia and even though I am not a big fan of the beach I'm certainly willing to spend the rest of my time here at the beach.

That being said, its also so hot here that I'll die of heat exhaustion if I don't go to the beach everyday to cool off.

Mauritius is very small. In these two weeks we've pretty much been everywhere. I asked my cousin how long it would take to drive around the entire island. He said 10 hours. I think its probably less than that. We've been driving around the island in a little Nissan March (My sister says in Australia its called a Nissan Micra). In fact, almost everyone here drives around in a little Nissan March. There are so many Nissan March's here that we made a little game. Feel free to play it if you ever go to Mauritius.

The rules are as follows:

First to 500 points.
Every time you see a Nissan March you get 10 points.
Every time you see a Nissan March with an advertisement on it you get 20 points.
Every time you see a Nissan the same colour as the one you are driving it (in our case it was orange) you get 50 points,
You lose 50 points every time you claim to see a Nissan March and another players calls you out because you were wrong . Your 50 points then goes to the player who called you out.
Nissan March  
Me, Jin( brother) and Mikaela (sister) in Grand baie

A few of my cousins, my sister and I

Monday 12 December 2011

ile maurice

Check out where I am going in 12 or so hours.

Believe it or not, I have a whole bunch of extended family living on this tropical dream land and I'll be meeting them for the first time since I was two years old. I'm so nervous and so excited!

More to come!